The Search Committee stands adjourned!

The Search Committee is pleased to report that we successfully completed our work and recommended the Rev. Ellie Terry to the vestry to be our next Rector. Ellie impressed us with her lively personality, intelligence, warmth and sincerity, and we very much look forward to her joining us in October. We can move forward with confidence knowing that we are in good hands!

The Search Process was complicated, of course, by the COVID-19 pandemic. While our diocese suspended search activities for an extended period in the spring, search processes in other dioceses proceeded apace. The committee felt a sense of urgency to complete our work, knowing that the highly qualified candidates that we were considering were almost certainly looking at other opportunities. We are grateful that the Holy Spirit led us to Ellie, and we’re excited about what God has in store for us together at Church of the Good Shepherd.

The Church was very well served by this group of 10 faithful women and men. Without exception, this was a group of passionate, articulate, insightful and faithful people. We discussed energetically and argued respectfully. Each offered his or her opinion and perspective effectively and challenged the points of view of others on the committee. We worked extremely hard, prayed faithfully, laughed easily and may have shed a tear or two. It is important to stress that all our decisions were made by consensus; not everyone may have agreed, but everyone supported the final decision.

The committee would like to thank the Parish for your faithful support and patience! We knew that there were members of our prayer team holding us up whenever we met. We felt the presence of the Holy Spirit guide and encourage us. We’re grateful for all of the feedback, phone calls, letters, conversations, emails and points of view. Your voices were heard and guided our discernment.

And with that, the committee stands adjourned! Thanks to the members of the committee. Well done all! Search Committee Members: Kristen Bates, Wendy Fedderson, Debby Flint-Baum, Ellen Harland, Tom Hoch, Neal Ogle, Chris O’Leary, Rafael Pupo, Bev Ridpath, Elgin Summerfelt