Building update

Lots of things are different in this COVID time, but some things never change: Roofs get old and need replacing. Most roofs are expected to last about 30 years. The church’s roof is 35! We have talked about needing to replace ours for years now, and we can’t keep postponing it; we need a complete roof replacement. A couple of years ago, we had major ice dams and in removing the ice dams it became clear that parts of the sanctuary roof were rotted. If we wait longer, the damage underneath the shingles is only going to get worse and become much more expensive. We don’t think it is wise to wait another winter. (We don’t want to wait until we are ‘baptized’ by water dripping from the ceiling…)

We have some funds set aside in our Major Repairs Designated Fund for this project, about $45,000, funds that were set aside from previous years’ savings and from parishioners anticipating this need. However, initial estimates are around $60,000 to replace the entire roof, and we know that we may have significant additional expenses to replace sections of the wood layer that has rotted beneath the shingles. We can’t know how much until the current roof is removed.

The bottom line is we need your help! We expect to need an additional 20 to 30 thousand dollars to complete this project. We know this is a financially difficult time for some, but if you are able, please make a gift toward the roof replacement. Be sure to designate that it is for the roof. Thank you for helping us with this essential repair. A major improvement we have completed this summer is our internet. We now have Verizon Fios, high speed fiber optic internet, with new wiring into the sanctuary to enable a better upload of our online services. When we return to the building, you will also find that Wi-Fi internet access is available in all parts of the church, from the library to the Sunday School rooms.

In other property news, we are finally moving toward achieving one of our first strategic plan goals, to enable the congregation to hear better in the sanctuary. Why now, you may ask, when we are not currently able to be IN the sanctuary? Because for us to hold outdoor services, certain audio equipment is needed, and this is not something we have. Rather than spend money on something that only addresses this short-term need, we are purchasing components which will become the core of an improved audio system in our sanctuary. We met with a sound engineer to discuss our needs, and we are getting a modern digital mixer (to replace the antique electronics we currently use from the 1980s), an improved headset microphone for our priest, and two speakers that we will use to amplify our service outside. These components are ‘Phase one’ which will allow us to have outdoor worship and should also improve the audio quality of our online worship. ‘Phase two,’ to be purchased later, will add six more speakers and make it easier for everyone to hear well in the sanctuary.