Liturgical Ministries
Worshipping together as a community holds a great of meaning for us as a shared, spirit-filled meal. We like to participate as much as possible in our shared experience, including members of all ages through these liturgical ministries. If you are interested in this ministry work, contact us.
Lay eucharist ministers
Serve at the altar by acting as acolytes, leading the Psalms and Prayers of the People, helping our Deacon to set the table, and giving out the wine during communion.
Participate in the service by reading the lessons prior to the Gospel at each service.
Hand out service leaflets, note attendance numbers, find people to bring up the elements for Communion, collect the offering and prepare the communion rail, direct people at the time of communion, and collect the service leaflets at the end of the service.
Welcome parishioners to the church by opening the front door as they arrive, setting a friendly tone for worship, and helping assist anyone new to our church
altar guild
Prepare the table for all of our worship services.
flower guild
Add a living natural element to our worship with flowers donated by our members. They are given in memory of people, in celebration and sometimes just to beautify our altar.
Liturgical Arts Committee
Help set the seasonal surroundings within our worship, enhancing the meaning of the season of service, making worship personally touching.
Enhance accessibility to our worship services: operate audio mixer for sanctuary sound system; provide live, 2-way interactive zoom link to service; publish video recording of the Gospel and sermon each week to this web site and to our Facebook account.
Music at Good Shepherd is varied; our hymns and songs come from the 1982 Hymnal as well as Wonder, Love and Praise, and other traditional and contemporary sources. We have an Anthem Choir and we welcome instrumentalists from the congregation to join us at worship whenever possible.