clergy and staff


The rev. Eleanor Applewhite Terry

The Rev. Eleanor Applewhite Terry was ordained in the Episcopal Diocese of Connecticut in 2002. Before becoming the Rector of Church of the Good Shepherd in 2020, Ellie served parishes in Portland, OR, Plainfield, CT and most recently at the Old North Church in Boston. She is a graduate of Smith College and Yale Divinity School. A native New Englander, Ellie and her family (husband Bronson, three children, Nicholas, Julia and Emily, and their beloved dog and guinea pigs) have lived in Acton since 2012. Ellie is passionate about exploring ways that faith can guide and challenge people to lead lives of integrity, compassion and justice.

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Rev. Ken Schmidt

The Rev. Ken Schmidt is a Vietnam-era Army veteran and attended Kutztown University in Pennsylvania. He enjoyed a career as an insurance underwriter and marketing representative, and became a stay-at-home Dad when he and his wife adopted their daughters in the Philippines. Ken heard and answered God's call to ministry later in life, and explored that call through prayer, discernment, and classes at Episcopal Divinity School, and by earning a Masters of Divinity degree at Andover Newton Theological School. After completing a three-year Deacon Formation program, he was ordained a Deacon in 2012.

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Ellen Oak

Pastoral Associate for Liturgy and Music
Ellen Oak was born and raised in New York City. She holds graduate degrees from the School of Music and the Divinity School at Yale University. Ellen passionately enjoys empowering individuals and communities to grow into the full stature of the Body of Christ, singing for God the song of their whole lives. She has lived in Acton for seven years, and recently became an empty nester. Gardening, biking, tennis, and staying in touch with extended family are some of her favorite pastimes.

allison katsoulis

Allison Katsoulis answers or refers all inquiries that come to the office. She coordinates space use at Good Shepherd for church business and community events or meetings. Allison also produces almost all the written material for Sunday services and the majority of communi-cations such as the bulletins and weekly email newsletter.




Edward Moore

jr. warden

Lorraine Summerfelt


Jonathan Panek


Jane Lothian

Catherine Conway

Barbara Dailey

Alex Flores

David Hazen

Angus Michaels

Karen Wiss Pupo

Bev Ridpath

Karen Root Watkins

Kathleen Zawicki