Church School
The Church School is a place for students to explore their own spiritual path in an age-appropriate setting. There is a mix of storytelling or reading, discussion, and creative work with peers. Children also have the chance to participate in the regular church service during the monthly "Multi-gen Mission Sunday" service. Students are introduced to our spiritual community in a fun and loving way. There are opportunities for children to be further involved in all the missions of the church.
Contact us for more information.
0 - pre-k
The nursery provides a great opportunity for parents to enjoy the service while their young children begin to build relationships with other kids, laying the foundation for their future church school experience. The staff is a consistent cadre of parents, teens, and young adults who have experience with babysitting and/or caring for young children. Staff interact with the children through play, age-appropriate crafts and activities, reading and/or singing.
Although we encourage parents to use the nursery, infants and young children are also welcome to stay with their parents during the service. There are coloring books and toys in the back of the church that are available for children to use during the service.
Sundays during 10 a.m. service.
godly play
grades k - 2
The Godly Play classroom is a place for children to be themselves, to learn to live in a community, to come closer to the mystery of God's presence and to learn the language of the Christian people. Teachers act as guides to help the children use the language of religious narrative and symbols that will allow them to express themselves spiritually and make meaning. Children are treated seriously and with deep respect They are encouraged to do the work of discovering answers.
Sundays during 10 a.m. service.
special communion class
grade 2 and above
Led by the Rector, children learn about the significance of the sacrament of Holy Communion. They visit the altar and explore what is on it, have an opportunity to try on vestments, and bake the bread which they will receive for their "Special Communion".
Five consecutive weeks in spring.
Faith Builders
grades 3 - 5
This class explores the Bible using a curriculum called “Building Faith Brick by Brick”. This unique program invites children to listen to ancient Bible stories, learning about the writers, characters, and places in Scripture. The children construct something from the story using Legos. As they build, they engage each other, sharing their thoughts and insights, wondering together about a different story each week. The children’s creations are put on display at the Coffee Hour.
Sundays during 10 a.m. service.