Thank you to all the volunteers!
Become a "Lenten Friend"
Theatre with a Twist tickets go on sale February 8!
Adult Formation
New England bishops respond with one voice to President's "cynical" photo op
Immigrant Sunday
Get ready to start cooking and crooning, it is time Chili-oke chili & karaoke!
Saturday, October 19th, beginning at 6:30 PM in the Parish Hall. This is a great opportunity to break out your secret recipe for homemade chili to share. Some shenanigans are sure to ensue at this rockin’ event, and light hearted awards may be in the offing! Of course, for those who do not want to cook, there will be lots of food to enjoy as well as non-alcoholic beverages as you cast your vote for your favorite chili. We will also have beer and wine to purchase To add to the fun, we’ll have a karaoke machine and DJ for those who wish to sing for their supper...Who knows, there may be an American Idol talent scout undercover, looking for the next contestant. Free-will donations will be happily accepted to defray the cost of the event. Please contact Jason Davis for more information on bringing chili or to volunteer with some much needed help.
Turning a sad, untimely death into good for the world
Donna Heaney is offering an opportunity to do away with many single use plastic bags for free! Here is her powerful story: “When my son Tom suddenly died from a heart attack while walking his sister’s dogs, he was living with my daughter Sharon and her husband Stephen in Florida. . Sharon had a hard time coping with her grief and started sewing shirt shaped coasters for people to take from his Memorial Service as a way of healing, which blossomed into the lunch and snack bags of today. They help eliminate the use of plastic bags as they can be used over and over. Just wipe the waterproof liner out or wash in machine but don’t put them in dryer (apparently it gets ugly). They are free, she doesn’t charge for them! Some people do send her lengths of 100% cotton fabric sometimes in gratitude, which enable her to keep making them. It’s her form of therapy and turning a sad, untimely death into good for the world. If you would like some you can see Donna after the 10 am service, she often has them with her in various fabrics.