All are invited in the music making during Holy Week and Easter morning. No experience necessary! For more information, and to sign on, please email Ellen Oak at
Singers for Holy Thursday, Good Friday, The Great Vigil, and Easter Morning
Sing your way in community through the spiritual journey of living, dying, and rising in Christ. You will receive grace upon grace for the time and openness you offer. All vocal ranges and levels of experience welcome.
Saturdays, March 29, April 5, April 12, 1:30-3:00pm.
Holy Thursday, April 17: Warm-Up 6:15pm. Worship 7:00pm.
Good Friday, April 18: Warm-Up 6:15pm. Worship 7:00pm.
The Great Vigil, April 19: Warm-Up 6:15pm. Worship 7:00pm.
Easter Morning, April 20: Warm-Up 9:00am. Worship 10:00am.
Handbells for Easter Morning
No prior experience needed. You will learn the fundamentals of reading music.
Saturdays, March 29, April 5, April 12, 11:.00am-12:30pm.
Easter Sunday, April 20: Warm-Up 9:15am. Worship 10am.
Assorted Instruments for Easter Morning
All instruments and levels of experience welcome. Repertoire will be tailored to you.
Sundays, March 30 and April 13 after 10am Eucharist for 30 minutes.
Easter Sunday, April 20: Warm-Up 9:15am. Worship 10am.