A Meeting with Noah Bullock

In November about twenty devoted supporters of El Ocotillo had the opportunity to meet with Noah Bullock, the Executive Director of Cristosal, to learn about the current reality for human rights in El Salvador. Cristosal has for more than 20 years defended human rights and been the catalyst for long lasting positive social change in northern Central America. During his time in Boston, Noah met with the Governor’s staff, Bishop Julia Whitworth, and graduate students at Tufts and also conducted a workshop in Norfolk. We felt honored to have time with him.

The current authoritarian government of President Bukele has dismantled legitimate democratic processes and incarcerated more than 80000 people without due process. We discussed the effects we see in El Ocotillo where people, including alumnae of the scholarship program, are being dismissed from government jobs because they are not aligned with the incumbent political powers.

To learn more about the important work of Cristosal, check out their website.