Each Sunday in Easter Season, we renew the promises and vows of Holy Baptism: “Will you cherish the wonderous words of God and respect and restore the beauty and integrity of all creation?” We answer, “I will with God’s help.” At Good Shepherd we are taking some small but important steps to restore God’s creation by learning more about Electric Vehicles (EVs) and to launch Our Sustainable Kitchen.
This is an example of our caring, green, sustainable kitchen
CGS Kitchen: Caring, Green, Sustainable
Reach out in love for God’s Earth and for each other by a commitment to plastic-free
coffee hours and events. Our kitchen is already supplied with alternatives to single-use plastic.
Why no single-use plastic?
Never goes “away.”
Breaks up into microplastics that absorb toxins, harms wildlife, our oceans and ends up in our food supply.
Recent studies have found microplastics in human lungs and blood.
Is made from crude oil and natural gas.
Litters our roadways, streams and land.
Recycle don’t just throw it away!
“Nothing we use for a few minutes should threaten our health and pollute our future for hundreds of years.”
Electric Vehicle (EV) Rides with Ray, Jessie and the Pupos
Take a spin in an EV after the 8:00 or before or after a 10:00 May church service (except for our 5/22 COVID respite time)
Learn how an EV can reduce CO2 emissions, are inexpensive to drive and are fun!
Why EVs?
· Clean Up Planet Earth With electric cars, you’ll reduce air pollution around you right now and cut greenhouse gases to protect people and the planet for years to come. Future generations will thank you.
· Save on Fuel and Maintenance Costs Drive where you want at a fraction of the cost.
· Get Money for a Purchase/Lease That’s right. Buy or lease the car you love and get money back. There are federal, state, and local incentives to bring down the cost of buying or leasing an electric car.
· And Ray Lyons says:
o “E-Cars are FUN!”
o “I bet $1 my Chevy Bolt is quicker off the mark than whatever car you drive (excepting Teslas).” (you gotta test drive my Bolt to collect.)
o “No gas engine to maintain and drag around… My only maintenance expenses in the past 7 years: swapping out snow tires and changing windshield wipers.”
o “I pay less than 2 cents per mile for electricity; with gas at $4/gallon, I saved over $100 last month using electricity rather than gasoline