THANK YOU, everyone, for your warm welcome. I’ve been with you for a month now, and I’m so grateful for your good cheer, flexibility, and generous offering of yourselves to our corporate worship. We, the people, the gathered Body of Christ, do the work of liturgy, and it is a blessing to be in it with you!
SINGING WELCOME. Sunday Mornings 9:15-9:45am in the sanctuary. We do some fun physical and vocal warm ups, and go over the music for the 10:00am Eucharist. This is a great way to enliven body and soul, meet people, and learn a bit about how and why we sing at worship. All ages, all voice parts, all levels of choral experience welcome. No need to sign up in advance. Just show up and check it out! Drop in once or come every week. You do need to be fully vaccinated (if over age 12) and wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
MIXED CHOIR REHEARSAL. Thursday Evenings 7:00-8:30pm in the sanctuary. This group is for all voice parts (soprano, alto, tenor, bass), high school age and up. We are just getting this group going, so come and contribute your voice and vision. We’ll be developing our skills as vocal musicians, preparing anthems for the Sunday 10:00am Eucharist, and working toward special musical events. You need to be fully vaccinated and wear a mask over your nose and mouth.
LOOKING FOR PERCUSSION VOLUNTEERS for 10:00am Eucharist on Sunday October 24. Individuals, friend groups, and families welcome. No special experience required. We will be adding drums, shakers, and finger cymbals to the music for our celebration of the 20th anniversary of our relationship with El Ocotillo parish in El Salvador. You just need to come to church at 9:15 am on the 24th.
Ellen Oak