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Sponsored by the Sudbury Valley Trustees
Nashobah Praying Indians: A Living People, A Living Landscape
We walk on sacred ground. The Acton, Boxborough, and Littleton area was originally part of the Praying Indian Village of Nashobah, a place of spirit and vision. Join Sagamore Strong Bear Medicine of the Nashobah Praying Indians and local historian Daniel V. Boudillion as they discuss the Nashobah people, their spirit, their journey of survival, the village, and the sacred landscape that is all around us. Please welcome Sagamore Strong Bear Medicine as he walks his native land with us and shares his culture.
Strong Bear Medicine is Sagamore of the Nashobah Praying Indians, and brother of Chief Caring Hands of the Nashobah-Natick-Punkapoag Praying Indians of the Massachusett tribe.
Strong Bear Medicine is the founder of the Friends of the Nashobah Praying Indians. He is a noted Native performer, having performed both in the States and in Europe. He is a Native dancer, singer, and craftsman, and public speaker.
Daniel V. Boudillion is an avid historian and author with a wide knowledge of early Nashobah history and the locations associated with them. He is currently on the board of the Littleton Historical Society and is a Trustee of the Littleton Conservation Trust. He has recently published The History of the Nashobah Praying Indians.