On Sunday May 21, our parish family and friends will be joining together in an extraordinary event. An organization called Rise Against Hunger will be partnering with us to guide and direct Good Shepherd volunteers as we package thousands of meals for needy families overseas in a mere 2 hours! This promises to be an unforgettable, fun, and rewarding experience for us all.
The event will take place in our parish hall following the 10 o’clock service. After a quick lunch outside, we’ll each be assigned to our specific task or table in the hall. The Rise Against Hunger folks have it all down pat and they make it a fun and energized environment. Amazingly, we will be able to package over 10,000 meals between 12 and 2pm!
Our local commitment to join in this wonderful work is to provide at least 40 volunteers to package the meals as well as to raise $4000 to pay for the food, transport, and delivery. Of course, more volunteers and more donations will make even more meals possible.